Drug Free Kids Canada is a Canadian registered charity made up of volunteer private-sector partners and parents from major media, advertising, production, research, and corporate industries. They believe that raising awareness and educating parents and youth about substance use can go a long way towards reducing drug and alcohol use and addiction.
Marijuana Awareness
Get Cannabis Clarity
Get Cannabis Clarity provides information for BC residents specific to our province laws. You’ll find legal, medical, travel, and home growth information here.
Government of Canada Cannabis Info
The government of Canada provides resources about cannabis and your health, cannabis and the border, cannabis impairment, what’s legal in each province and territory, as well as what industries need to know.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addicition
CCSA works with its partners to address issues related to substance use and addiction that affect the health and safety of Canadians. These issues have a profound impact across all aspects of society.
RCMP Centre for Youth Crime Prevention
The Centre for Youth Crime Prevention (CYCP) provides Canadians with evidence-informed and age appropriate crime prevention messages, information, tools, and programs to prevent youth crime and victimization.